Wow! I don't even know where to start! I can't believe it has been about 2 months since I blogged. The blog is printed and I have deleted the oldest posts to make room for new. Other than that I am such a slacker...and I will be an exhausted slacker trying to catch up on every thing I missed. We have been busy! For now here are a few pics from May. I can't find my camera so any pics from June aren't on the computer yet. Keep checking back because I am going to get this updated in the next week or two! 
We finished school! The girls had end of the year parties at the same time and I didn't want either girl to feel left out so I had HK come to M's party for a while and then we all went to join HK's class outside. It was the best of both worlds - pizza and cheetos in M's class, cupcakes and bubbles with HK's!
HK turned 3! Where is the time going?!?!? We made a really cool robot cake!
For her bday HK wanted to go feed the ducks at a nearby pond. These ducks/geese can eat 2 loaves of bread and still be nipping at your feet for more food.
After the ducks HK wanted to ride the train at the mall.
Poor, sweet girl was sick with a stomach bug on her bday. She had just thrown up in the car when I took this teary eyed picture.
Then I let her open a package of lots-o-bots from her TX aunties and all was right in her world again. For all the robot things we have around the house it is a shame none of them can map the floor or cook dinner!
As a joint bday gift the girls got a crazy water slide/bounce house for the backyard. Our friends love us.
We went to a playplace with an old firetruck. The girls had a great time pretending to drive.
I am going to get pics off my phone today and try to get some of those uploaded for june. I have lots of individual posts come so stay tuned!