Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Santa Claus Came to Town

We had smores with Santa at the new neighborhood.  Only HK was excited about hanging out with the man in red.

New House - River Photos

One feature that Stacey and I like about our new house is its proximity to a river (where I hope to find time to go fishing).  Here are some photos I took of the girls one of the first days we were at the new place.  The path to the river is across the street and two houses down from us.

The water was low in these pictures.  On days when they have released water from the up-river dam, the rick the girls are standing on in these pictures is under several feet of water.

She May Not be a Texan - but she can ride a horse

One of Matney's friends had a birthday party this past fall where the main entertainment was riding "ponies".  Only problem - the ponies didn't show up.  Solution, the company that was a no-show made it up by inviting all the attendees to come to their property and ride horses around a practice ring.  I think Matney had more fun doing this than she would have going in a small circle in our friend's backyard.  Win-Win!

Now, if I could only get Matney's Mommy on a horse again - she has only gone riding with me once (as a present to me when I graduated law school).


Yes, we did take the girls trick-or-treating this year.  We couldn't have two more different, or fantastic, big girls (hint, they are the middle two - Cinderella and The Hulk):
I even taught HK the line, "You won't like me when I'm angry!"

Jared's Birthday Lunch

To celebrate my birthday, we took the girls for pizza.  They were more interested in climbing on the giant mushroom-man statute (which did look rather cool) than eating.

Cute One Year Old

And a day of some minor catching up on posts could not be complete without another photo of Ev.  Here she is, showing off the outfit she wore for her first birthday party.

HK's First Day of Pre-K

Halle Kate started a week later, and Stacey and I both took her to school on her first day:
She was pretty excited to have us there for her first day.  And yes, that is a cool girlie shirt.  Further proof (Robot is always close by for big events):

Matney Started Big-Kid School

Our baby girl is growing up!

And she was nice enough to make a sign for her Mommy:


Losing Teeth

Matney lost her first tooth in August.

Yes, she was a very excited and proud big girl.  Excited enough to make this goofy face:
She has since lost the other middle one on the bottom and her top two middle teeth are very lose, but she will not let me pull them.  Stacey won't even let me (yes Jared is writing this) talk about it in the house - she has teeth issues.