I am so aware I am WAAAAAY behind on this blog! There are so many things I want to do and way too few hours in the day. I take lots of pictures on my phone so here is a quick catch up on random things we’ve done this past month!

Sweet, sleeping baby! This is actually a rare picture because Evelyn does not like to cuddle. She loves you to be near her, making faces and talking, but she wants you to interact with her while giving her some personal space.

Can’t remember if I did a separate post on this or not but the girls got haircuts over spring break. Super cute. Halle Kate really wanted a “rooster do like Jack” aka, a mohawk. She ended up with the a cute shoulder length bob just like Matney.

The girls have gone on lots of errands with mommy…briibed the entire time with lollipops.

Baby is here – time to workout again. If you’ve ever wanted to know, I work well for stickers. I schedule my exercise for the month and get a sticker when I do it as scheduled. Super great motivation for me. I’m so easy! Wonder if the girls will clean up for stickers?

Happy mornings! I try to make sure that I am up, worked out and ready before the girls but some days to get that star I have to keep the girls distracted. This morning? They worked for breakfast. I had them stringing Fruit Loops onto yarn for a necklace they could eat. It was a win win! I finished working out and they stayed full and occupied. And yes, the large amount of sugar before 7am backfired before 8am!

The girls are teaching Evelyn everything they know. She loves every minute of being around her big sisters. I am sure she will be up to no good just like them pretty soon.

If the girls are watching tv they think Ev needs to be nearby. So sweet.

For my friends with kids – random question? Would it ever be appropriate for a parent to wear these to avoid hearing loss when a baby is screaming????

Don’t wake a sleeping Dragon!

We host all the baby doll conventions on the stairs.

Shew! Sometimes, when you pitch the world’s most giant fit you finally just fall asleep. And Matney and Mommy said “thank the lord!” and tiptoed away hoping she’d sleep until Daddy got home.

When it isn’t raining the weather is beautiful. I’ve skipped lots of chores to play with the girls outside. All worth it!

More than a year later I still LOVE my fitbit! 20K steps and 76 flights of stairs on this day. I was one worn out mama! A few days later I topped it with 22K. If I ever lose my fitbit I will feel like I’ve lost a leg!

The girls take turns reading to Ev. Pretty sure she likes them more than me. I am ok with that. They are going to be great free babysitters when they are older.

Dance parties with girlfriends are lots of fun!

Matney and her “American Girl” dolls. Wonder how long it will be until she realizes her are Target knockoffs?!?!?!

Because 3 girls isn’t enough, we brought 2 more girls home from school to play!

I think this is baby doll school.

Evelyn is a great sleeper at night but not so good at naps. I tried the hammock Matney loved. Ev didn’t love it but lots of princesses thought it was fabulous.

More reading fun.

Halle Kate’s favorite place? The bathtub with all her “guys”.

Saturday mornings with Daddy are fun. I think this is the morning Jared told me he’d let me sleep in. At 7:30am I woke up to him in my face saying “how much longer are you going to sleep?”. Granted, in this house 7:30 is sleeping late but I could have slept all day!

After living here almost 6 years we are starting to hang out with all our neighbors. This is HK’s best friend, Mr. Mike next door. We have lots of little kids and big kids on our street! Jared was still at work when I took this picture but he is itching to get on that giant skateboard!

Remember when I said I was skipping chores to play with the girls? A few loads of laundry equal A LOT of socks. I HATE HATE HATE sorting socks!

Playing in the “castle”. The girls had so much fun but got very mad anytime I came out to check on them. I had the windows open in the kitchen so I could hear and see them but they thought they were big stuff in the backyard all alone.

A trip to the pet store and Matney was brave enough to hold a snake. HK hid behind my legs and was not impressed. I was shocked Matney touched it!

Poor Ev. She is going to have to learn to like to cuddle.

A bouncy seat and two sisters buys me enough time to run to the bathroom alone. Fabulous!

We have a rabbit family (mommy, daddy, 2 babies) living under the deck. They come out every night and jump all around the backyard. The girls made us get radishes to feed them. For future reference our rabbits don’t like radishes.
We’ve been up to lots more and I’ll do more individual posts on those soon. One thing we have learned about parenting – you make choices every single minute to choose one thing over another. Some days we play and skip our chores, some days I workout and the girls eat fruit loops for breakfast, some days we spend all morning in our jammies reading books and not grocery shopping. It’s all ok, grilled cheese is a great dinner! Some weeks the house is clean and the blog is caught up but that probably means the tv was on more than usual. I am going to keep up with this blog but for the next few months that may mean more catch up posts like this.