Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I am finally trying my best to get this blog caught up! I’m just tossing up posts and will proof them put them in order in a week or two. So enjoy the pictures and ignore anything that doesn’t make sense. I think last night I got less than 4 hours of sleep total – HK cold, baby hungry, Matney bad dream, Matney potty, baby hungry – all between 11pm and 4:45am. Sigh. Mama’s tired but I’m determined to catch up! Some of the dates won't make sense either since I know I am going to move things around- like Ev's 2 month apt was last week, she is fine now.

Jack Sparrow

HK was able to meet Jack Sparrow (and hold his sword) at an open house at a place for swimming lessons. She was sooooo excited and now says she’s going to marry him! Matney hid behind my legs the entire time. She was not at all interested in being near him. Hope she likes him better when he is her brother in law!


Sweetest Thing Ever

The girls didn’t settle down one night and I went to check on them…this is what I found. Sweetest thing ever.


Ev at 2 months

Evelyn went to her two month appt yesterday. She weighs 12lbs 5oz (90th %) and is 23 3/4” tall (95th %). She is right on track developmentally and is perfect so far. Once again we got shots and once again we’ve had a miserable 24 hours. This time I was sure to have Tylenol in her system before her shots but it made no difference. Our other girls never reacted like this. It is awful! I am going to have a hard time getting shots again, since she can’t go to school without them I am sure she will enjoy being home with me forever!


Beautiful Baby

I just realized I never posted any pictures of Ev in her “coming home” dress. She didn’t actually wear this in the car coming home from the hospital because she had on her little sister shirt to meet her big sisters but this will count as her dress to keep. Beautiful baby! She was not a fan of the hat though. I ended up having to get her naked and let her play because she was mad at me!



Ev would love to stay naked on her changing pad all day. She looks at the bottom of the mirror and just talks. So funny!



A view from above

Monday, April 8, 2013

Sisters–be still my heart

When the big girls got out of the tub last night they went to put on jammies. When they came out of their room they were in their matching Big Sister jammies and asked that I change Ev to match. Oh.my.word. I about couldn’t change that baby fast enough! Poor Ev wasn’t sure what was going on but I am in LOVE LOVE LOVE with these 3 girls!


Sweet baby just wants to be naked!

Easter Egg Hunts

Because of the weather we missed our usual big egg hunt but both girls had Easter egg hunts at school so it was ok. Halle Kate’s was first and she had a great time!


The girls have been obsessed with finding “the golden egg” because of some game they played in PE. As luck would have it there were a few golden eggs and HK found one…which she wouldn’t give up. When the hunt is over all the kids leave their baskets outside the class door and a they are evened out so that everyone has the same amount of eggs. I was counting eggs outside and got called inside. HK had hidden her golden egg in her jacket and was showing it off to her friends…in an obnoxious, bragging way. Ha! Her teacher took it away and we made sure it made it into her basket. She knew what she wanted and wasn’t giving it up!


Matney’s hunt was on a day that HK didn’t go to school so both girls got to go to Matney’s party.


HK and her super hero cape clearly felt right at home in Matney’s class.  However, when it was time to get in line tnd HK wasn’t going to get to hunt eggs she started pouting. Sweet Matney tried to get her to hold hands and hunt with her but HK wouldn’t go. She pouted on a bench the whole time. And again, my sweet Matney tired to make it better and sat with her on the bench.




Happy Easter with Ms. Sherrie. Easter weekend was the start of Spring Break and I think my girls had Ms. Sherrie withdrawls. Pretty sure I’m going to have beg to see her over the summer. She lives a few miles away and we often run into her different stores around town. Matney has had such a great year in her class!


And if you’re looking for something to do with all those plastic eggs make worms/caterpillars/snakes etc. thread them onto pipe cleaners. It was a great craft to do with the girls because now the eggs aren’t all over my house and it kept them busy for a while!


May never have been so proud

I have a real problem obsession love for lists and planners and Sharpies. When we are in a store my girls can recognize a package of Sharpies from several yards away and start yelling “there are your pens, Mom!”. I’ve tried many times to move my calendar and lists to my phone/computer but I always go back to (my very specific!) pens and paper. Apparently some of that has passed along to Matney and I couldn’t be more excited and proud!

She was playing outside and I found this that afternoon. She’d made herself a checklist of all the things she was going to do outside….and then checked them off when she was finished. Ahhh, there isn’t much better than physically checking something off a list!


The top row was - ride my bike, eat snack in my pink chair, get a drink. The bottom row – rest in black chairs, swing, climb on my playhouse and slide.


I am famous for my ability to throw things away. I love all the girls’  art/crafts but we’d have to call in hoarders if I kept it all so most stuff goes right in the trash. Horrible, I know. This fabulous artwork though? I for sure kept it!


We’ve been trying to do at least one fun, out of the ordinary “something” since the baby came and life has gotten a little calmer. We had an indoor campout a few weeks ago – hotdogs, chips and the girls ate their first s’more. Yummy! They were bouncing off the walls all day waiting for Daddy to get home and the marshmallows to get opened!
