Thursday, November 20, 2008


Spoiled. And I don't mean Matney. I mean all of you blog readers who are getting so many pictures of Miss M in one day. But, I am here and have time so I took the pictures off the camera tonight. Baby girl was TIRED so she went to be early.

I tried to take these pictures of one of my favorite outfits for Matney. I love it even if it isn't pink. Mom gave it to her last week in WR and I honestly wasn't so sure about it. However, once it was on her...WAY CUTE! Matney wasn't in the mood for more photos this week so here is our cute girl having a FIT! I see this face SEVERAL times a day. Hope you enjoy!

Oh, don't worry. I have ribbon that is brown with teal dots and will make her a perfectly matching bow before she wears this again. I know you were concerned!

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