M and I went to visit my Grandmama and Loretta at the store later and were showing off our great find. Loretta has been asking for months about what she could get Matney that she would keep for years and when she saw the tree she knew she had it! So, Loretta ended up getting M her pink Christmas tree, I stayed out of trouble with Jared and Matney LOVES it in her room. At night we take her in to get ready for bed and change her by the tree light. She rolls over and gets so excited when we let her touch it. What a happy girl! THANKS LORETTA! Look back in the spring, I think every little girl needs a pink Easter tree too!!!
Also notice this outfit. M is by her tree in her Christmas outfit. Did she need more clothes? No. Did she and Grandma get distracted out shopping the day after Thanksgiving and come home with this cuteness? Yes. I can't leave them alone for a minute! I will also tell you that M turned 9 months old yesterday and this is an 18 month outfit...and the first thing she has worn in a while that isn't too tight. She's a big girl!
All Paige talk about is a pink tree. She wants want so much. She would be jealous! She also has teh same shirt! Gotta love Target!
That is precious!
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