Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Squealing Divas
Oh my goodness. Look at these girls. Sunday after church they were such a MESS! HK wouldn't take a nap so they ended up eating lunch together and they were cracking us up. Matney got new Dora sunglasses. ha! And Halle Kate is in love with Elmo. It is like some parts of the last year are on repeat. Remember this post? These girls are sisters all right and they love the same things! You want a squealing happy Halle Kate? Go to youtube.com and play Elmo and his ducks. So funny! I wonder what she'll do if Elmo's ducks ever turn up on the big screen for her.

A very merry unbirthday to you!
I totally didn't take enough pictures last week but we had a Very Merry Unbirthday party for Jared last Friday night. He knew there was something different going on at home because we sent him teaser pictures all day long. I think the balloons on the mailbox made him panic a little when he got home though. No honey, you didn't forget an important date...yet. We did get married on May 28th so mark your calendar! Just kidding, Jared is the one in this relationship MUCH better at remembering dates and making things special. So, for all that he does for us we wanted to surprise him with a day for him. We had a special dinner and made cookies that were SO yummy. Miss M colored pictures and we sang an unbirthday song. As we shopped and decorated all day Matney was so excited for "Daddy's party!", so excited. I think the day was a success for everyone. Thank you Jared for all you do for us. We hope you know how much we love you.

It is so sad to me to know that there are children without daddies who love and play with them. In this house no one has to worry about that. This Daddy is INVOLVED! And please, don't call us after 9pm. These girls are WEARING US OUT! They get in bed and we are close behind them. Looking at these pictures it isn't hard to see why. Wild girls!

Green Monster
I know you've all read about some of the changes we've made around here trying to eat mostly fresh, unprocessed foods. So, I thought I'd show you my new favorite breakfast, a Green Monster. I'd read a lot about these here and we bought a blender that crushes ice like a champ so I finally gave it a shot. It took me a couple of tries but milk, protein powder, 5 frozen strawberries and almost 2 cups of spinach...yes, spinach, is perfect. Honest, it is really yummy!

Yes, Sir!
Sometimes Matney has a hard time listening to her Mama so I've started calling her Daddy. He says "Matney, do what your Mommy tells you" and I'll be darn that the little stinker says "ok". Most of the time it is getting out of her jammies and into clothes in the morning. Ha! Rotten! Here she is looking oh so sweet having a chat with Dad.

Storytime with Daddy
We've gotten in a routine around here with bedtime and books. We read Llama, Llama Mad at Mama, Alice the Fairy and The Missing Mitten Mystery. I LOVE Llama, Llama and Matney knows the entire story by heart and "reads" it along with us. Alice the Fairy is the cutest book. If you have a girl I highly recommend getting it.
This particular day the girls suckered Daddy into reading and playing with their new sticker book before they even had their jammies on. Cuties, all three of them!

This particular day the girls suckered Daddy into reading and playing with their new sticker book before they even had their jammies on. Cuties, all three of them!
Giraffe fun
Matney got this giraffe for her birthday. Once again her MoMo is drawn to loud and obnoxious toys but, once again, the girls love it! Halle Kate watched Matney get on and turn it on for about a week before she figured out how to get her little self on there and turn it on. Then she figured out how to get on while Matney was riding. Miss M was NOT a fan!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Ball Pit is Back!
Meet the Newest Heald
You read that right. There's a new member of the Heald family! Meet Halle Kate's obsession...her robot. One Saturday that I went to see my Grandmama in the hospital Jared kept the girls and they took a trip to Target where HK fell in love with this stuffed robot. So like a dad. A mom would come home with dresses, shoes, kitties, etc but a dad finds a robot for his little girl! ha! She HAS to have the robot to sleep, he has to come out of the bed when she wakes up and most of the time he travels everywhere we go. You should see people look at her in the front of the stroller. Itty bitty girl with a death grip on a robot as big as she is. Seriously, I can't make this stuff up! She is SO FUNNY! I am certain that he'll be in many pictures to come.

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