Matney like to help with almost everything right now (except cleaning up her own messes!). She especially likes to throw things away. Not long ago I was cleaning in our bathroom and had some trash. M wanted to help so I handed her a piece of trash and said "please throw this away in the the bathroom". She came back and said she did it so I gave her another piece....we repeated this several times until I realized her hands were wet. She out grew playing in the toilet a while ago so I was really surprised and marched her to the sink. As I did something in the toilet caught my eye and I stopped. Bless her sweet heart. I'd told her to throw it away "in the bathroom" and she had done just that. All the trash right in the toilet. sigh. We got cleaned up and had a wonderful conversation about trash goes in the trash can (right next to the toilet) and poo poo goes in the potty. Lovely.
Now fast forward, another time when I wasn't blogging it was because I was chasing this WILD MONKEY. Do you see HK?
Oh yes, there she is...ON TOP OF THE TABLE. Halle Kate is a wild climber. I am positive she is going to make me have a heart attack soon. This day she climbed on the chair and onto the table and was standing up. Oh my goodness gracious. Matney has never been wild like HK so we had no idea that monkeys can exist in human form. Last week she pulled herself up a folded up step ladder. It looked like she was doing pull-ups/chin-ups as she shimmied herself up. sigh. She scares me.
And, if we aren't cleaning up or chasing Halle Kate then we're up to cute, girly pigtails!
Isn't that so cute?!?!?
We are busy but it is all good stuff. Halle Kate is napping so I have to get the kitchen clean and Matney dressed before she's up or else we'll never get out of this house. I put new batteries in the camera and am downloading the pictures so more posts to come soon!
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