But the middle of this week? It all just fell apart! I have no idea why but Ev has been one very unhappy baby since Wednesday. She has screamed and screamed and screamed. I last showered Wed morning and I am a “need a shower every day to function” kind of girl. I switched her food last night and she seemed a little more peaceful so maybe whatever was bothering her is over.
In the midst of the screaming I tried everything - a bath, different clothes, new rooms of the house, the play mat, the sling, a paci (she’s not a big paci fan. Half the time when you put it in her mouth she starts gagging and once she is gagging there can be some serious puke coming!)….
One day I thought the Baby Bjorn was a winner and sent Jared this picture. Don’t you know he loves getting emails from this house during the day! And clearly this was Wednesday when I was still clean and had makeup on. I’ll spare you any pictures from the rest of the week. And she only stayed quiet in there for about 4 minutes. Now she hates it.
By Thursday night Matney was leaving drawings like this on the door for her Daddy to see when he got home. She “drew what she was watching in the living room”. From left to right - first head, HK. Second head, Evelyn screaming. Third, Mommy. 4 and 7, HK watching TV. 5 and 8, Ev not screaming because she has a bottle.
I didn’t show you more because it looks just the same all the way down the paper except the mommy face starts to not be smiling. Eeek! Thursday and Friday were the first days that I’ve been overwhelmed since Ev was born. A screaming baby can put any one a little bit closer to the edge of sanity but when it is your baby and you can’t fix her it just stinks! The big girls needed extra attention that I just couldn’t give. The house has stayed pretty picked up and the laundry caught up….until the end of this week. It looks like a bomb exploded and that makes me just a little big closer to crazy! Add little/no sleep and no Coke Zero in the house and by last night I was laughing so that I didn’t cry! Thankfully a friend took Matney to school for me so that we didn’t have to get a screaming baby in the car and our next door neighbors brought over 2 Cokes!
Now it is Saturday, Jared is home for the weekend and we have a fun birthday party to go to this morning. I’m going to get off the computer now so that I can workout and shower before the girls are up. We’ll get the house back together and the laundry put away this weekend and, if that baby stops screaming, be back to normal. I think making it a month before a meltdown is pretty darn good! Now, if Ev screams all day again then I may just grab one of my Cokes and run away from the house!!!!
And if you’re waiting on me for something please just call me! I have a stack of cards to mail, emails to return, more blog posts to do and they are all just going to have to wait another few days!
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