Monday, September 8, 2008

Our little sleeper!

Ok, so my nose grew at the lie I told when I typed the title of this post but she is better than she used to be! Matney is still sleeping in her Amby Bed and is much easier to get down than ever before. The trick is to give her this pink blanket she has and her paci. Once the paci is in she wads the blanket up (it is only about 2'x2') and pulls it over her head. Then she falls asleep and we wait about 10 minutes and go take the blanket out. No blanket no easy sleeping. How funny!

I tried to get a picture of her all curled up with the blanket. The top 2 pictures are my first attempt. Notice anything? Yep, the blanket is down and she is SCREAMING. Oops! The flash woke her up!

The next pictures are grainy because I put her down for her next nap without closing the door. It was early afternoon and enough light came in her room so that I could get a picture without the flash. This is after I'd pulled the blanket away from her nose. How sweet!

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