Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Chocolate Pinocchio

I don't know how well you can see the chocolate sprinkles on Matney's face but there are several...and we're working on telling the truth! M asked for chocolate sprinkles but I told her no and put them on the counter. Apparently she got them off the counter when I wasn't looking, took them into the playroom and ate them all. Too bad she didn't realize she had evidence all over her face!
When I first saw her I couldn't figure out what it was...and then I put "sugar high bouncing three year old" together with "was quiet for more than 30 seconds" and came up with "rotten stinker who stole the sprinkles"! HA! I asked her if she'd taken them and she said "no, mommy". Grrr! I tried very hard to act mean and not laugh but I think my need to take a picture of her face gave me away!

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