Wow! I am way behind again. I think if I were to go back and read the blog "way behind" has been the theme of my life in 2011! My goals for the past few years haven't been too impressive - survive and keep my children semi-happy without growing too much mold in the house or being overrun by noisy plastic toys! Funny how things have changed since having two kids! Here are some pictures from the beginning of November.
The leaves have started falling and occasionally we have a cool day outside. The girls are fascinated by the leaves on the ground and love going to play outside. Since it hasn't gotten cold yet we have been spending lots of time outside.
See the pants half off? HK has gotten extremely good at getting her clothes and diaper off by herself. I often see a naked hiney streaking past me and hysterically laughing. I used to laugh too until she started hiding, pooping (one day she'll so appreciate me sharing this!) and then getting naked. Cute clean tush I can handle, poop flying around my house I cannot handle. She HATES it but I've started duct taping her diaper on most of the time, especially if I am the only adult home with her!
The girls did not want to carve their pumpkin but they enjoyed painting.
Jared enjoyed carving his pumpkin.
Sweet Max is still here. HK and he are still hit or miss but he and Matney are best buddies. She is in love with that dog...which makes the incredible amount of hair he drops all over my house a little more tolerable.
More leaves
We had a fun birthday party a few weeks ago. Our birthdays are one day apart so mom and I always celebrate together. I really like icing but don't care too much for cake (pretty sure the girls inherited that from me!) and always request rice krispie treats for my birthday. This year was a double batch shaped like a birthday cake. YUMMY! It was gone in less than 72 hours and 90% of it was eaten by me. Yes, I requested elastic waist pants for my birthday!
And you can tell in the picture above how long hk's hair has gotten. It hasn't ever been cut but could use a trim. However, any time I ask her about going to the "glitter hair place" like Matney she screams "NO!!!!" and some battles I am not fighting right now!
HK trying to get a piece of my cake. Well, HK with her piece of cake and Max hoping to get a piece.
We went Trick or Treating with some of the girls best friends. Everyone had a blast. Special events are SO MUCH FUN as a mom. I LOVE seeing my girls excited!
All the cuties!
HK didn't want to be in a family picture so I had to grab her.
And yet another family photo fail. I was super excited about something, wasn't I?!?!?
HK's costume - crocodile shoes, spider tights and a pumpkin surround and a robot. She is festive.
Matney was in a car with Jared and I had HK so I don't have a picture of Matney alone. She was a mermaid and very proud of all her jewelry. After the first 20 minutes I was carrying HK and Matney was whining about being too tired to walk so we didn't have to fight them to go home. About a week after Halloween we left Matney's Halloween bucket on the kitchen island (on accident) and left the house. Hours later we returned to find that Max REALLY likes sweets, except Smarties, those he left in the wrapper in a pile. The good news was that he didn't die...and Mantey was so funny. I was upstairs putting HK down for a nap and heard her screaming. When I got downstairs I found her nose to nose with Max yelling "I AM SO MAD AT YOU MAX. I AM SO MAD!!!" I had to leave the room I was laughing so hard. I didn't even know she could really put the emotion word with the feeling. ha!

Cheese before bedtime....aka - I ate too much candy and need something not sweet! While Trick or Treating HK saw a dad dressed as Batman and went crazy. I don't know how she knew who Batman was but she chased that poor man all around the neighborhood. He thought it was cute and played along. Every time he spoke to her she was so excited. Three weeks later if you ask her about Halloween all she talks about is meeting Batman.