Monday, December 17, 2012


Ellie the Elf has been back at the house every morning and we have all enjoyed seeing what she is up to. Some of our favorite things have been roasting marshmallows on Mommy’s candle, writing messages encouraging them to clean up and playing in our sprinkles. Sometimes Ellie makes a big mess at night and sometimes we find her just hanging out waiting for us to wake up. Matney wakes up and races downstairs to find Ellie.  HK doesn’t really care about finding the elf probably because she doesn’t want to be reminded that she is supposed to be nice!
ellie cleanup

This last picture makes me laugh. See that baby head down at the bottom? Halle Kate wouldn’t sit down until Baby Funch (again, we have no idea where she comes up with these names!) was at the table too. Get ready, Evelyn! These girls are ready for a little sister!
And thanks to Ellie all our Christmas gifts were wrapped this year. So glad she was in charge of this task because I did not want to stay up really late doing them!

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