On the Friday night before Evelyn was born I started having contractions. Jared went ahead to bed and by midnight I thought “this is it!” and packed all our stuff. However, by 3am they had stopped and I was asleep on the couch. Waking up on Saturday I was still very pregnant and pretty darn grumpy about it! We went to the gym Sat morning and then ran around town before the girls went to a gymnastics birthday party…where I jumped around the bouncy floor, looking goofy trying to shake up a baby! Before bed Jared said “tomorrow I am going to put you on the elliptical until you go into labor. I will bring you fluids”. HA! However, that didn’t sound like such a bad idea. I wanted this baby OUT and I was going to do anything I could to make it happen.
Sunday morning we ate breakfast at Panera, walked around Target and then rented me a movie. I came home and got on the elliptical until I was bored and then made Jared go to the park. We walked a little over 2 miles, came home and I went to Costco to walk more, came home and made Jared go back to the park for another 2+ miles. I was a desperate woman! As we walked we decided that I’d call the dr the next morning and go ahead and see about being induced on Mon or Tues. I came home took a shower, painted my toe nails and got the girls in bed. Jared was downstairs watching the Superbowl and I was upstairs finishing the movie I’d started that morning. Within 10 minutes of sitting still I felt the first contraction. After an hour of regular contractions I made my way downstairs and told Jared…he immediately jumped into action until I assured him that if anything was going to happen it would be a while. We took our time getting into bed and I grabbed a magazine while he went to sleep. Just after midnight the contractions were 8 min apart but nothing too painful and I assumed it was another false alarm….until just before 1am when my water broke and I quickly got Jared awake. It was go time!
When my water broke with HK I wasn’t having contractions yet and it was no big deal. I showered and took my time getting ready. This time my contractions were 5 min apart and we were racing to get out the door. I’d unpacked most of my bag after Friday night’s false alarm and we were throwing things in the bag and in the car. We got out of the house quickly (my mom was already in town for the weekend and had decided to stay so we didn’t have to do anything with the girls).
The hospital is 35+ min from our house, it was after 1am and J was driving umm, briskly! Just as we got off the exit he popped the straw up on one of my gym water bottles that he’d filled with Dr. Pepper and Dr. Pepper exploded EVERYWHERE! Literally, we were both wiping our faces and our clothes. The back of J’s seats were dripping….can you see it on these picture? I was laughing so hard! I unscrewed the top to let the pressure out and we were at the hospital and out of the car. As I filled out paperwork Jared went back to grab our things from the car. I noticed that he brought the water bottle in but didn’t think to ask about the lid…until he popped the top again and BOOM! Exploding drink in the lobby. Seriously, I was laughing so hard. He cleaned that off the floor and found what looked to be a hand sanitizer dispenser on the wall. He squirted his hands as the nurse came to take us to our room. As I turned to walk I heard him say “what is this?” And then then lady without a sense of humor behind the desk said “Oh honey, that is soap!”. HAHAHA! He was covered in frothy soap and there was not a sink to be found. How he grabbed our bags with those hands I still don’t know but he showed up in the room not long after me.
Long story short we got to a room about 2am, my contractions were 4 min apart and I asked for the epidural. Before you can get drugs you have to fill out tons of hospital paperwork, get an iv started and have blood taken and have those lab results back….all of which takes a darn long time when you want MEDS! I finally got an epidural at 5am and was ready to have the baby….except our dr wasn’t there yet because when you go in laughing and cutting up at 2am no one takes you seriously and believes you’re about to have a baby (pretty sure those were the exact words our nurse used to later describe the situation) and they had not called my dr. At one point they put a pillow between my legs and said “you need to try to not cough and not laugh while we wait for your dr”. SERIOUSLY?!?!?! Our tiny peanut wasn’t willing to wait and after 3 pushes she came out and landed on the table with no dr there to catch her. True story. Jared reached down and touched her first and the dr, who had come flying into the room, finally got her gown and gloves on and clamped the cord. Baby girl was screaming from the first second and our nurse, who was fairly new to her job, had very big eyes! Everything checked out perfect 7lbs 4oz and 21” long and all the chaos was forgotten. My epidural was turned off about as quickly as it was turned on and we spent time cuddling with our newest girl!
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