If you have been wondering where we have been...Feburary has kicked the butts of the Healds! And, gracious we excited to think we're all getting better and will have soem freedom back!
Matney was sick last time I posted. I had just gone out with pretty toes but nasty feet. The next day Jared came down with the same awful crud as Matney. I don't know who felt worse - Matney, who was still sick, Jared who got sick or me taking care of them both. We went through ROLLS of toilet paper wiping snotty noses! I don't know how I didn't get that cold because our house had to be a germ palace. We took M to the dr. on Wednesday the 12th (day 10 of her illness) and she got on antibiotics. Jared was sick and stayed home from work several days that week.
Thursday was beautiful outside, and Jared was home, so we put Matney in her stroller and went for a walk that afternoon. Fresh air and sunshine are incredible spirit lifters! I spent the beginning of the walking thinking about how I was going to get Matney back on a schedule, how we were all going to get better and enjoy our Valentines weekend. And then I spent the second half of the walk thinking how I had a sharp pain starting in my belly on one side. Before we were finished Jared noticed I wasn't acting right and we decided to turn around, figuring I'd overdone it for our first day "out" in almost 2 weeks.
Long story short the strange pain got worse so I went to bed early, it wasn't better by 5am and by 6:30am I'd called Jared to come home from work (yes, he is there that early) because something was really wrong. For me, the next week is a blur but it included many dr. trips, much medication and a fun stay at Northside Hospital. There are tests, like xrays and CT scans, that can't be done when pregnant so it can't be confirmed but we think it was/is a kidney stone. A very painful, make you super sick and dehydrated, kidney stone. With all three pregnancies I have had a kidney stone that has been painful but NOTHING like this one. I don't know what it is about pregnancy and my kidneys but they do not get along!
Thank goodness for Grandmas and husbands. I don't think moms are really "allowed" to take a sick day but sometimes they can't be helped. I worried about Matney in the beginning of me being sick because she was just starting to get better from being so sick herself. By the end of the weekend she was acting much more like her old self...thanks yucky medicine! I can't believe I had to spend the night away from my baby girl but it was much easier being in the hospital knowing that she was finally feeling better.
Now it is Monday and my first day home alone with Matney in about 2 weeks. She and I have some work to do! Miss Spoiled Rotten is about to have a tough lesson on getting back int....with a cut back on bottles, pacis and nighttime cuddles!
Anyway, we are all feeling much better. I am hoping this stone will pass soon, that no one in this house will get sick and that in 3 months we'll welcome a healthy baby girl into the house. Thank you to everyone who offered to keep Matney, bring dinner, etc. We are so blessed with wonderful friends! And now I promise to get back to blogging and have up new cute pictures of our princess!
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