Welcome to the sick house. I will spare you the snot covered, nasty pictures (Actually, I haven't taken any so there are none to show. These are a couple weeks old, be glad!). I started wondering on Tuesday if Matney was getting sick and by Tuesday at 10pm it was obvious things were headed downhill. Miss M just has a cold, which isn't horrible, but she is miserable. Snotty nose (face), red eyes, cough, fever...poor baby. Tuesday night I maybe got 3 hours of sleep all broken into 20 minute intervals. She can't breathe unless she's upright so we'd rock in her rocking chair and eventually, when she'd get really asleep, I'd put her in her crib. She'd make it maybe 30 minutes before she couldn't breathe and we'd land back in the chair. I am tired! Wednesday I don't think she was out of my arms for more than 20 minutes total. It has been a while since I went to the bathroom holding a baby...I don't miss it!
We had all sorts of fun plans for this week...a princess birthday party, a trip to the aquarium, etc and all of that has been rescheduled. Of course! And, so sorry to my mom, if you thought that puppy she is so attached to was nasty before you should see him now. SNOT COVERED. She has had him in her arms nonstop since Tuesday and rubs him all over her snot covered face. I've tried taking him away but it isn't worth the screaming...which makes the snot flow faster! He's gross. I don't know that I'd take him back now even if she offered...and that says A LOT!!!
It is 8:30 and she is eating cheerios in my lap while I type. We have been up since 5:30am and are about to head upstairs and see if she'll nap in the chair again. I wonder who will be spoiled rotten when this is all over?
As I've spent hours with her all cuddled up this week I've been more than aware of how blessed we've been to have such a healthy baby. A year ago Miss Matney wasn't even born and now here she is...from 2 tiny cells to a living, breathing person. Incredible. If we make it to 12 months with only 2 colds for the year it will be a miracle. Not a "that's a miracle" said sarcastically but an honest to goodness miracle. There is a book by Phillip Yancy (and maybe someone else) called Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. It goes through all the systems of the human body and details how the all work. Miracles. How incredible is God? That all our billions of cells know just how to form organs, make those organs work and sustain life...healthy life. Miracle.
Our new baby girl Heald has been busy the past couple days kicking her big sister as we rock. She really isn't a fan of Matney laying on my belly and squishing her space. We can only pray she will be as healthy as her big sister. What incredible miracles. We are a headed upstairs to nap in our rocking chair...and spend time being thankful for our two colds.
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