Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Germs, germs go away!

Germs, germs go away. Come again another day...or NEVER! Funny story from last week. It was pouring rain on Friday when we were getting ready to leave and meet Jared for dinner. I watched the radar and knew it was about to stop (stop quickly and for good). I took her to the back door and we looked out. M heard the "rain, rain go away song" last week on Dora so we started singing it. Within 2 minutes (and MANY verses of the rain song later) it totally stopped and Matney was beside herself. She's talked for days about how she sang the song and the "rain cloud went away". Ha! Now I don't know what we'll do next time it rains, she sings and nothing happens but for now she is very impressed with her abilities!

This is a picture of Halle Kate last week when she had big sores in her mouth and wouldn't swallow. We changed her shirt more at least every hour because she was soaked.
Wouldn't you know that we're sick again, just when J and I were talking about taking a trip next weekend. We're not going anywhere, although it isn't because of the girls. However, next time I wake up and both girls wake up well and still feel good at lunch I am packing our bags, throwing the girls somewhere and heading to J's office. I'll just kidnap him and we'll be off. I am fairly confident that just talking about a trip makes my girls go lick something germy so that we can't leave. Ha!
Today Matney had a fever by early morning and was pitiful by lunch. She said her "chin, nose and hair hurts". I assume that means a sore throat, stuffy nose and headache. I thought she did a good job trying to explain "hurts" to me. Sweet baby girl. Who bets we've got about 24 hours before HK has a hurting chin and hairs too?!?!

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