Thursday, October 28, 2010

Playgroup Halloween

I was so super bummed this year that Matney would be in preschool during our playgroup Halloween party. Most of the playgroup kids are in some preschool and they all go different days of the week so there was no way to have playgroup on a day when they all could attend. I finally worked it out so that we could get M to her Halloween parade a school, get to playgroup for the pictures and then get Aunt Vickie to where she needed to be. I figured one child in the pictures was better than none. If I were smarter I'd photoshop Matney onto this couch! This first picture is the original playgroup minus Matney and Mikey.

 We added the next playgroup generation - HK and Caleb. Baby Jackson was still napping.

 HK will pose for M&Ms. Who knew? She heard the word candy and was Lindsay's new best friend.
 The kiddos and moms. Lindsay (sitting next to me on the left) and I are the only moms not pregnant. Everyone else is expecting in Feb or March of 2011 and so far 3 out of the 4 are boys. It's going to be an even more wild group!
PS Lindsay, if this giant horse ever disappears from your house HK probably stole it. She loves him!

If you'd like to walk down memory lane here are the pictures from Halloween playgroup 2009 and here are the ones from 2008. Time is FLYING!

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