I can't believe Matney is 21 months old. I catch glimpses of her across the room where she already looks so grown up. I happened to have the camera near me at one of those moments last week. Just look at her, she's not a baby anymore. sniff!
Matney right now is SO MUCH FUN. We are certainly having our battles with tantrums and behavior/listening/obeying issues but overall she's so sweet and funny. She is starting to really interact with Halle Kate. She and I were out of the house today without HK or Jared and Matney asked several times for her sister. Isn't that so sweet? She's started giving HK toys and going up to her and saying "Boo Baby". Halle just laughs and Matney smiles and does it again. That just melts my heart!
Matney still loves Elmo and (I'm sad to say it) she's started to like Barney. ugh. She still loves to read and "play letters". We ask her to find a letter and tell us it's sound. She knows all her capitol letters and their sounds. Her favorite is the "H" because it sounds like a puppy dog. We'll say "Matney, be an H" and she runs around sounding like she's panting. So funny.
She loves shoes, especially her new boots. I'll have to take a picture of those sometime because they are cute! We've had a couple of battles because she wanted to wear them to bed. Such a girl!
Jared and I are so so so so so so SO THANKFUL to be her parents. We could not be more in love with this little girl!
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