Anyone know what this is a picture of???? All of our 2012 photos being organized and in albums…with captions. Whoooo hooo! I am normally much more behind than this but something about having a baby at the beginning of the year is very good motivation for being caught up!
We had a week full of rain so I stayed home when the girls were in school and got all our pictures caught up (I’d ordered them a few weeks ago), have almost finished our 2012 family scrapbook and have the 2012 blog book ready to print.
There were a few times this week that I thought “I cannot do it all and I’ve got to pick something”. As in, do the blog or the pictures or the scrapbook but I’m never going to be able to keep up with all of life and 3 big photo projects a year. And then I had dinner with my friend who’s niece just died and I was reminded about why I pick these things to spend so much time on. Whether it is for the kids because something happens to me, or it is for me because, heaven forbid, something happens to one of the girls, I want these books for the memories. I pray that one day Jared and I have been married for 40+ years and we’re flipping through them all while our 3 girls are grown up happy and healthy somewhere in the world. However, when I don’t want to spend the time on them that it takes I will remind myself that these are our memories (and since we found the m&m’s in the freezer not long ago and the house phone in the garage today clearly my memory is not going to be credible much longer). The blog is detailed like nothing else I have, the photo albums are pictures of our entire year, way more than what makes it onto the blog. And a family scrapbook is a quick overview of the year we’ve spent together. So yes, they each require a lot of time but I’m going to keep trying to keep up!
My other thoughts right now as a full term, very uncomfortable pregnant woman.
1 – Physically I really should have gotten pregnant and had my kids at 16. I’m too old for this nonsense.
2 – Emotionally I really should have waited until I was in my 40s to have kids. I sure do get a little wiser/more mature/more mellow each year. I bet if I had kids in my 40s I’d be a much better mom!
3- Jared is going to look at this list and laugh!
4- I can’t believe we’re having another baby. I’ve not been paying that much attention to it until now. I mean, I obviously knew she is coming but it’s finally seeming real. These last weeks are the hardest to me. Not just because I’m uncomfortable but because we’ve gotten this far and I just want her born and to know she is as healthy as we can possibly know at that time. Let’s get her home and figure out life as a family of 5!
5- As much as I am not looking forward to being totally sleep deprived I am MUCH more relaxed and excited this time than ever before. Matney was new, she was terrifying. HK coming when M was just a baby was exhausting. This time, while I’m sure there will be challenges, I cannot wait to snuggle this baby and enjoy her without being so stressed. I also cannot fathom having a baby and my kids being at school. Nap when the baby naps? This time it may happen!
6– I am looking forward to a week or two of Jared being home when she is born. We would both tell you that the 7 year itch has not applied in our marriage. Our first few years were so not fun. Now we’re finally in a groove and really really happy. We’ve never had a week at home with as much time together as we’re going to have (since the girls will be at school in the morning). I am excited about “doing this baby thing with him”. We have decided we just want it to be us when she gets here. I know some friends think that is crazy! We have plenty of grandparents/family who we know would love to come help and stay here but we’re going to give it a go on our own. I am totally loving how our family is right now and think this is going to be a super fun couple of weeks. And I reserve the right to totally freak out and call for backup the first day Jared goes back to work full time if I need to. Ha!
7- I am ready to GET THIS BABY OUT OF MY BODY! I am so very thankful, and aware, of how blessed we have been to get pregnant easily and carry our babies to term with little/no complications. All that said, I cannot wait to be comfortable again and I really can’t wait to get moving. I have had several dreams recently where I am outside running on a beautiful day and I wake up sad when I realize I can’t catch my breath walking around the house! I may hate it when I start but I see some painful (in a good way) workouts in my near future! I am by far the biggest I’ve ever been pregnant but it is strange. I weight 20+lbs more than when I delivered HK but I am in the same pregnancy clothes and my wedding ring still fits. With both girls before I couldn’t wear my rings after 6 months. Strange how the number on a scale can be so different but sizes be the same. That’s probably a life lesson for me to learn!
8 – if I don’t get off this computer an accomplish something more than a blog post my to-do lists are going to start stacking up again!
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