Guess who is asleep? Not me. I wish. It is Matney. Guess who took an almost 3 hour nap on Saturday. Matney! I mean, have you ever heard of such a thing??? She stirred several times and I'd head up to get her and then she was settle back down again. Crazy. The first hour I was so productive. The second I kept trying not to start any big project because I knew she was about to be awake. The third hour? A friend called and I plopped myself on the bed and had a great conversation! She has taken a 1 to 1 1/2 hour nap Sunday and today too. Wonder what's up with that??? So, I totally could have posted already but I ate ice cream, chicken and a pop tart while I checked everyone else's blogs. How's that for productive?
Matney's eye is looking good. Today is her last day of the antibiotic eye drop, which she's been on for over a week, so we won't know anything until she's been off that for a day or two. I am trying not to get my hopes up but I'd be THRILLED if it worked the first time and my sweet baby didn't have to wake up with caked over nasty eyelids again!
I went to the dr. this morning and will go every Monday until Halle gets here. My dr, who I love and Matney HATES, said that everything looks good. She is head down and we are 1cm dilated at 36 weeks and 2 days. She hasn't dropped yet so he isn't expecting anything to happen right now. I also got a high five because I am officially at a net weight gain of 0lbs. Until this week I'd been under where I'd started but I guess 5 Guys for lunch yesterday and (lots) of Extreme Moose Tracks ice cream last night did the trick! I might have come home and eaten most of what was left in the ice cream container while I wasn't working on this post (and we bought the 1/2 gallon less than 24 hours ago!). I guess that is the difference being pregnant with a baby vs. sitting at a desk. So, we work hard again this weekend to get things done around the house and enjoy our time as a family of 3.
It was beautiful here Sat and Sunday so we spent much of each day outside. Saturday morning we went and got all new plants for the front flower bed. The drought killed all ours and dead bushes aren't really pretty. Did you know that if you buy annuals from Home Depot and they die the first year you can get your money back? Just save the receipt and take the dead plant into the store for a refund. Pretty nice, huh? Needless to say we've already made a special place for our receipts from the weekend. Matney LOVES being outside so she had a great time walking around shopping and in the yard. CUTENESS!!!
1 comment:
I have to say that I love Matney. She is too precious. She must be getting ready to grow with all of that sleeping she has been doing.
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