Friday, July 17, 2009

The Dr was WRONG

When Matney was 12 and 15 months old I asked the dr about her weight (aka chunky monkey status) because I was concerned she'd be in a 5T by the end of the year! He assured me that when kids hit 15 months they stop eating, are really active, grow taller and slim down. He was wrong. Matney LOVES her food and I am really trying harder to offer her plenty to eat but work on making healthy versions of what she likes.
This week I cleaned out the pantry so stuff was everywhere, including Matney accessable level. She thought it was great! Here she is bringing me a bag of veggie straws that she got her hands on. I think her idea of a great day would be relaxing in her Elmo chair, watching Mr. Mo and his ducks with all sorts of snacks. Of course, that sounds great to me too (with a movie and not Elmo) but I don't think either of us needs to start that habit!

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