Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Halle Kate a/k/a Poop-zilla

As I take a five minute break from my day at work to write this post, my wife is no doubt continuing her battle against poop.

It appears that our little Halle Kate may have a stomach bug as she has had some serious problems with food over the last couple of days. Namely, Halle Kate could not keep it down and, now, cannot keep it up.

It all started Sunday night when Halle vomited all over herself an her crib – 3 times. I use the word vomited b/c spit up and even threw up minimize and downplay the nastiness that Stacey and I (order given not for grammar’s sake but to correctly depict the order in which we bore the brunt of the mess) were required to deal with.

Then, yesterday, Halle started to experience problems at the other end. I will not go into unnecessarily gross details but let us all agree that if unzipping footie pajamas subjects one to being covered in poop because it just starts flowing out of the pajamas (picture opening a zip-lock baggie full of water), it is unpleasant.

God bless Stacey for handling it all so well. And God Bless the little Poop-zilla may she recover quickly.

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