Thursday, February 25, 2010

What I've learned

There are lots of things I've learned in my two years being a mom. Some of those things I've paid great attention to and changed my behaviors or beliefs (like, I will NEVER say NEVER again!). On some things I seem to be a slower learner. Last year at this time we were gearing up for Matney's first birthday when she got super sick for two weeks and then I had kidney stones that put me in the hospital. Lesson not put things off until the last minute when you have children because, well, crap happens.

In this case that last statement can be taken literally. Halle Kate has been through the wringer with this stomach bug and once again it is the week before M's birthday. I thought I was well prepared. I bought everything in January and felt very organized. Now, I've got all sorts of things to do and make for our big girl's party and I've spent all free time this week doing 9 loads of laundry in 4 days.

Plus, "Matney Shortcakes" (what she calls herself when she wears her pink hat) is having a Strawberry Shortcake themed party. What's the problem you wonder? Every grocery store around us right now has a sign that says "Due to extreme weather conditions in FL this year we are temporarily out of strawberries." and I had lots of yummy strawberry treats planned. Lovely.

So, what have I learned? Once again don't just plan and purchase ahead of time but do the work well ahead of time. Next year the Christmas decorations come down and the party stuff goes up. I wonder if Monkey Joes books parties more than a year in advance? I should call today. And what else? NEVER plan a birthday party around a seasonal fruit. Learn from me people!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I wish I could send you some strawberries, I have had no problem fiding organic ones up here in PA. Hope everything goes better for the party.