Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Favorite time of the day

I should clarify, this is the favorite time of the day for the girls. Many days I would say my favorite time is nap time or bed time. Shew! I am just kidding...sort of. Really though, the girls do love the bath. They often play for so long that I have to add hot water more than once. Considering that HK hated the bath when she was young and most of the time just got cleaned with a wet wipe to avoid the tub it the time they spend in the water is impressive!
HK's face says it all in several of these pictures. She's so happy in the water and covered in food. Something in this house has to be a mess at all times. Often it is the girls. HK would prefer bubbles but Matney won't get in if even one bubble is floating in the water. Silly girls.

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