Saturday, December 31, 2011

Rice Party

I was desperately trying to come up with ways to entertain the girls while Halle Kate wasn't walking last week.  I hope that whatever possessed me to dye rice and let the girls play with is something I have the desire to do again. The girls had a great time but boy oh boy did they make a mess!

We bought plain white rice and added food coloring and rubbing alcohol. Once the rice was dyed it sat outside drying for about an hour. Then the mess fun began!

Can you see the pile of rice on the floor? I finally was smart enough to stop sweeping until they were done. Thankfully, about half the rice landed on the ground and got thrown away. At first I was frustrated with all they were dropping until I realized that once it hit the ground once I'd only have to clean it up once before it was trash!

They scooped and poured and funneled for a good 15 minutes before they were off to something else.

Even with the mess it was a super fun afternoon! 
ps- don't you just love HK's monster shirt? She is one funny kid.

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