Sunday, October 21, 2012

Psst, Santa! It's Catalog time!

Look what came in the mail! An American Girl catalog. I don't even have a clue how we got on the American Girl list. We walk through the store at the mall but have never bought anything. I'd hoped to avoid American Girl forever for a few more years. The girls have spent a lot of time looking at the dolls and they know exactly what they want. They are in a gymnastics class this fall - more info on that later - and there is a new gymnastics doll named McKenna that Matney is in love with. And HK wants a Bitty Baby in footie pajamas. See their clothes in the picture above? It's pretty typical. The minute we are home from anywhere Matney is in a tutu or dress and HK's in jammies. A baby doll with footie jammies (blue ones "like a boy")  has been on HK's Christmas list for months. I am really not sure what Matney wants...except a very expensive doll that I hope Santa wants to bring because I don't think she'll talk her Daddy into buying it! There are lots of knock off American Girls now so I'm thinking a knock off doll in a gymnastics outfit and M will never know the difference, right?!?!?!?

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