Her eye seems to be "fixed". We've been off the medicine since last Wednesday and she's only had 1 morning that it was crusty waking up. Otherwise, it is draining during the day so it looks like we won't have to go back. Thank goodness for answered prayers!
Crazy to think that it wasn't long ago we had baby watch '08 going as we waited on Matney! I went to the dr again this AM and it isn't looking like we'll be waiting on Halle Kate too much longer. I'll spare the details because I know there are some males reading this blog but for the females - last week we were 1cm and she was still sitting really high. I am now 2cm dialated, 50% effaced and she's dropped...ie, I can breathe again and things are moving right along! In fact, my Dr wrote Jared a "prescription" to get all that he needs to do done because he guesses he will have kiddo #2 by the 15th. We know that there is no way to totally know when she'll decide to make her appearance but compared to Matney she seems much more eager to come out and join the family.
Can I just say "AGH?!?!?!?!". I am really excited to meet her and for Miss M to have a sister. But, I am worried and feeling guilty about Matney. Many people have asked us if we're worried that we won't love a second child as much as we love M...and I have to say that that doesn't even cross my mind for a second. I know that we are almost more excited this time because we know how incredible having a child is, the love is already here. What bothers me is how this will change Matney's world. We spend HOURS on the floor reading books and crawling after one another each day. We walk in circles in the yard and spends tons of time brushing our hair, swinging, singing in the highchair...and a lot of that time, at least for a little while, is going to be greatly reduced. That I would miss one thing- one bath, one bottle, one good night kiss, one book, etc - with her makes me tear up. But, oh how we pray that these girls (and any future siblings) would grow up best friends. Ugh. I don't know. It must be hormones but it breaks my heart to imagine being without the alone time that she and I have had.
Anyway, we accomplished LOTS this weekend. I am working hard to finish up cleaning around here, getting things on the wall in Halle's room, run some last minute baby errands...and packing a bag for the hospital needs to fit in there somewhere, just thought about that! Pictures of Halle's room (and M's new "big girl room") to come soon. We'll keep the blog updated even if we're in the hospital so check back to see what's happening! While Matney is asleep I'm off to paint a few picture frames so that I can get them up tomorrow.
Stacey, I'm praying for you guys. Matney and Halle Kate have a great mom who is and will be a great example to them!
Stacey- I had the same guilt feelings before Ansley was born. I thought I was about to rock Grace's world and it just wasn't fair to her! Rest assured -- it has never been anything but GREAT for ALL of us :) Hope all goes well in the next few days!
You are a wonderful Mom Stacey!! So excited to meet Halle (love the name) and sending you positive happy prayers for a fantastic labor.
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