We don't know what her deal is but she hasn't slept through the night in more than a week and wakes up at 6am wanting out of her bed. Um, NO! When Jared is here on the weekends he can go in and give her her paci and put her back down and she'll go back to sleep for about an hour. For me this morning? I tried that and she screamed for almost 20 minutes before I gave in and got her up. Little stinker!
And today is the 23rd...only 2 months until our due date for Halle Kate. We are anxious to meet this little girl but have lots to do. Now that the weather is prettier Jared spent 5 hours outside staining the fence yesterday. The 2 backsides are done...only the entire fence (on the inside) to go! We knew we wanted to get M a swingset for her birthday and the one we'd like went on sale last week so Jared picked it up after work. So far he's spent 3 hours sorting and labelling the pieces in the garage. Hope the weather stays nice so that those projects can get finished. Then we have to hang the chairrail and bead board and paint Halle's room. Maybe a project for a bad weather day? Poor Jared!!! I know he just wants to relax on the weekends and enjoy Matney. I feel bad being unable to help much with what he's working on. Although, I am growing his kiddo so that has to count for something! If any of you girls wants to come hang out with M and I and volunteer your hubby to help Jared call me!
Since a post isn't complete without pictures here are a couple I have on the computer from a week ago. I will get the others off the camera this afternoon! She's a cutie...Gina, do you recognize this dress?
1 comment:
Soo cute! I must say that Miss Matney has some amazing verbal skills. I love all of her dresses.
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