Monday, March 2, 2009

Disneyworld Daddy

I call Jared "Disney World Dad" all the time because he gets to come in and play with Matney while she spends the day with me having to entertain herself if I'm cleaning or cooking, etc. Jared can get her laughing in less than 10 seconds and I'm winded after 10 seconds of carrying her around (in case you forgot I am 7 months pregnant). He's like the Disney World coming in the door at night and I am like the step mom in Cinderella all day. He is fun and games and I am laundry, eat your peas, change your diaper and let's clean your room. Matney knows when Daddy is home it is PLAY TIME!

Here they are bouncing around and having a great time while boring Mama sat on the couch writing thank you cards.

Matney thinks Daddy's head is a drum. Beat it, Kiddo!

Oh my goodness they are cute!

1 comment:

Brooke Parker said...

That is SO my life! I get off work, pick her up, cook dinner, feed her, take care of the animals, try to do some cleaning, change diapers....Drew comes home and it is all fun and games! She goes to bed and he is done!